Sunday, November 19, 2006

Words and Speech and Power

I found this article online, and am cutting out a portion, for your perusal.

Words are like seeds – they have creative power. When we speak we are giving life to what we are saying, planting a seed. We are going to get exactly what we are speaking. We are who we are today because of the words we have spoken in the past. All of our words will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Listen to what you say about yourself. Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words. The moment you speak something outright it takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy. If you don’t like what you’re experiencing start changing your words.

We prophesize the future by the words we speak in the now. Our words are always a self fulfilling prophecy. Don’t plant negative seeds – only prophesize the good and the intention of good. You can cancel out the Universe’s best laid plans by your own negative words and negative musings. Death and life are the power of your words. You will have what you say. Your words are going to give life to exactly what you’re saying.

It’s better to say nothing than to say something negative. ...You can use your words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life. ... Change the atmosphere of everywhere you go with your words – call in good, call in light, call in love and call in divine help.

Don’t talk about problems, talk about solutions. We are not reporters of our life but we are forecasters of our life. We should call to the invisible as if it already were visible. Call in to that which you desire, call it with faith filled words, call it with light. Change your world by changing your words. Death and life is in the power of your tongue. Are you birthing or are you destroying?

Circumstances line up with every word you speak – your words are a self fulfilling prophecy. You are the creator of your own circumstances. What you have created by your words you can change. When we act negatively to sudden changes and chaos in our life we are delaying the purpose of their creation. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation then the pain will disappear. We alone determine the rate of which turmoil passes. There are countless futures which exist at the same time. Our own behavior determines which universe we enter in to. Prophecy is seeing the future in our present actions.


When you complain you are poisoning your future. When we go around grumbling and complaining we are calling in more of that poison to every part of our life. When we complain about a pain, you’re calling in more pain. Try to do all things without grumbling, fault finding or complaining. See the good in every situation and be thankful. Find some reason in your day to be thankful – this will help dilute the kind of complaining that creates poison in your body and in your life.
There’s always something to complain about but you need to look very hard to find what’s to be thankful for. See good around you – be the one to make a difference. Leave it up to God, the Universe, to fight your injustices. Until you are at a point of gratefulness right where you are God is not going to help you change that situation. Be grateful for what is right in your life instead of complaining about what is wrong in your life.

... Do all things without complaining and you will find the magic and miracles in your life multiply. When you are in pain or worry immediately find a point of gratefulness about something in your life. Those thoughts bring you into higher vibration that will assist you and move you past any negative situation.

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

November Shakti

Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

The rush of the holiday season is upon us.

Take some time out, this month to slow down, even if it means not doing everything you'd planned on doing. Sometimes that can be the hardest part. We all know this, but it's nice to be reminded of it, that's all. Because at the end of the day, we will always treasure the time we make for friends, family, and laughter over the time spent accomplishing lists or goals.



Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope that this month finds you happy and well.

So much change in the air. It's exciting. But sometimes, it can be overwhelming. If this happens, the body may interpret change as stress.

The first thing to go out of balance is your breath. Either you will breathe predominantly out of one nostril. Or, you will quicken your breath, breathing shallowly, out of both nostrils. If this pattern isn't halted, then the body continues to interpret the situation as increasingly stressful, and that's when tension, headaches, and tightness begin to take hold.

It any of this sounds familiar, next time pause and take a moment so you can break the cycle. All you really need is 3 minutes of focused breathing, and you can bring your body back into balance. I'm not just talking about yoga-hokey-pokey, stuff, here. Science has proven that alternate nostril breath balances out the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. And the beauty behind this exercise is that you can do it anywhere (in your car, if you're stopped in traffic. in a restroom, before a meeting, etc.)

Alternate Nostril Breath: Using your right hand, your thumb is used to plug your right nostril. Your third and fourth fingers are used to plug your left nostril.

--Plugging your right nostril, inhale through the left for a count of 10.
--Plug both nostrils. Hold the breath for a count of ten.
--Keep the left nostril plugged and release the right nostril, exhaling for a count of ten.

Repeat, beginning your inhale, now, through the right nostril.
Do 2-3 rounds. Over time, you can increase the amount of seconds up to 15 or 20.

Yoga News: All good, here. I am enjoying my new classes at Yoga House, and am looking forward to a brand new schedule in 2007.

Cool Happenings Around Town, this Weekend:

Saturday, November 11th
Yoga Trance Dance and Trees for the Future Benefit with Shiva Rea and DJ Dragonfly at Golden Bridge Yoga. Doors open at 6:30pm for yoga and classes. 8:00 - 11:00 - dancing. Tickets are $15 advance. $20 at the door. Click on for more info:

Saturday November 11th
SOLIDS presents Momentum, a Sculptural Arts Exhibition. Pick of the Week in the L.A. Weekly in Dance. Art meets itself in a fusion of live sculpture, music, dance, and ongoing performance art. Doors open at 7:00pm. Performances at 8:00pm. Ends late. $5.00 suggested donation. For more info:


Sundays 10:15am - 11:45am Level 1/2 flow at Yoga House, Toluca Lake

Mondays 3:00pm - 4:15pm Mixed Level Flow at San Miguel Elementary School, South Gate
7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga

Tuesdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm Level 2/3 flow at Yummy Yoga, Los Feliz

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays 8:00pm - 9:30pm Mixed Level Flow at Wilenskys (By invite only. e-mail me for address and info)

Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga
Thursdays 5:45pm - 7:15pm Level 1 flow at Yoga House, Pasadena
Thursdays 8:00pm - 9:30pm Mixed Level Flow at Studio A Dance, in Silverlake - Donation Class (!)

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

Donation classes are ongoing Wednesday evenings, in the Pico/Fairfax area, from 8pm - 9:30pm. Because Wed. evenings are at a private home, please e-mail me if you are interested in attending.

Donation Yoga classes Thursday evenings, in Silverlake, from 8pm-9:30pm.
Google Maps Link:,-95.677068&sspn=41.496446,62.402344&q=2306+HYperion+Blvd.,+Silverlake,+CA&ie=UTF8&dtab=3&cid=37062500,-95677068,1991591660551348692&li=lmd&z=14&t=m