Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shiva refers me to Yoga House (!) + Fall Equinox + New Moon

So much changing in the air right now, I don't know if you can all feel it or if it's just me, but not only is fall in the air, change is absolutely in the air.

Last night (well, actually, at 12:03 am this morning) was the Fall Equinox. We also had a new moon, and somewhere not visible from CA was a Annular Solar Eclipse. All in one day - no wonder the energies have felt so shifting, so different - things are shifting, hiding momentarily, and then coming back into light. On top of that, the fall equinox brings both light and dark into balance.

Hope you have all fared well.

I have some lovely news - Shiva referred me to a wonderful studio in Pasadena named Yoga House. They have a second location they just opened up in Toluca Lake.

I am starting there October 1st, teaching Thursday afternoons in Pasadena, and Sunday mornings in Toluca Lake. The Thursday afternoons, I hope will work out. I may have a time conflict, and we talked about this during my interview. Yoga House was willing to try it out and see if it worked. (Basically, I finish my Core Yoga class in Silverlake at 5:15pm on Thurs. I'm supposed to teach in Pasadena at 5:45pm. Could be tight. But we'll try. And then, regardless, I'm back again in Silverlake that night, teaching at Studio A Dance at 8pm. (Whew! Gonna be quite a night.)

But it's all good.

Happy Weekend!

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