Dear Friends and Yoga Family,
I hope you all had a fantastic New Year (!)
I love the New Year. It' s my absolute favorite holiday. It feels like the entire world takes a collective in-breath, and then exhales out all of its old stuff, at midnight. Poof! All gone, in an instant. What a great feeling to be around!
The hard part, of course, is holding onto this feeling. Right around this time, I usually begin to feel a sense of, "Oh, no, it's all speeding up, again." Whenever I start to feel this way, however, I find myself doing a very simple, four part breath. You can do it absolutely anywhere - in your car, parked at a light, or just before a potentially stressful phone call or meeting:
Four Part Breath:
1. Inhale for a count of 5.
2. Hold the breath for a count of 5.
3. Exhale for a count of 5.
4. Hold emptiness (no breath) for a count of 5.
Begin with 2 rounds. Increase to as many rounds as you like. Adjust the number of counts up or down, to your level of comfort.
1. Lowers resting heart rate.
2. Increases lung capacity (even if you're a smoker, it will still help!)
3. Reduces the levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is known as the body's "stress hormone."
The end result is - all of the sudden, life slows down for a split second. Your day gets a little freer and a tad longer.
Enjoy (!)
Yoga Workshops:
I am teaching a corporate workshop, next week, on stress management, breathwork, meditation, and simple yoga you can do anywhere (at your desk, on an airplane, in your hotel room.)
I'm also preparing for a several day workshop in Vietnam, during first week of March. If you're planning on being in Vietnam around the same time - come check me out at Saigon Yoga. More info coming in next month's Shakti Newsletter!
Yoga Class Changes:
I've added a new class - at Yoga House, Toluca Lake. Mondays, Level 1, from 9am - 10:30am.
And, my Core Yoga class at Silverlake Yoga is now starting at 3:45pm on Thursdays and going a full hour and a half, to 5:15pm.
Cool Yoga Happenings Around Town:
Brand New Studio is opening up in Santa Monica - TruYoga ( Huge Opening Party this Friday, to celebrate, featuring a free class with Shiva Rea from 5:30pm - 6:30pm,a musical performance and more. Better yet - they are offering free yoga next week! And even better, yet - free valet parking. If you're a Westsider, I encourage you to check 'em out.
Truyoga is located at: 2425 Colorado Ave. Enter at 2501 Colorado and park at the valet station. They're in the same business center as Yahoo!, right near the Water Gardens. Off of Colorado, between 20th and 26th
p.s.- they are transitioning names, so you might still see "Tryoga" on the website.
Mondays 9:00am - 10:30am Level 1 at Yoga House, Toluca Lake
3:00pm - 4:15pm Mixed Level Flow at San Miguel Elementary School, South Gate
7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm Mixed Level Flow at Wilenskys (Donation class, by invite only. e-mail me for address and info)
Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga
Thursdays 8:00pm - 9:30pm Mixed Level Flow at Studio A Dance, in Silverlake - Donation Class (!)
Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm Integral Yoga (all levels flow) at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.
For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
Donation classes are ongoing Wednesday evenings, in the Pico/Fairfax area, from 7:30m - 9:00pm. Because Wed. evenings are at a private home, please e-mail me if you are interested in attending.
Donation Yoga classes Thursday evenings, in Silverlake, from 8pm-9:30pm.
Google Maps Link:,-95.677068&sspn=41.496446,62.402344&q=2306+HYperion+Blvd.,+Silverlake,+CA&ie=UTF8&dtab=3&cid=37062500,-95677068,1991591660551348692&li=lmd&z=14&t=m
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