Wednesday, June 27, 2007

June-July Shakti: Cycles, Perspective, and Metabolism


Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

Wow, has this last month just flown by. Seems like everything is going on high-speed for me. Hopefully, your lives have been a little slower.

Tomorrow (Thurs) is the Northern Solstice, better known as the Summer Solstice. The Earth, as we might remember from science classes, is tilted on its axis, leaning towards and away from the Sun throughout its yearly orbit. Tomorrow, the Sun lies directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere, creating the longest day of the year on Earth.

Please enjoy the day tomorrow by taking time to be outdoors.

Cycles of DEATH and LIFE:
Jason and I have had two deaths within our family and circle of friends over the last few weeks.

In facing death, it is important to remember that death is a cycle of life. Death can be viewed as a loss, or as a celebration of life, a passage into the next dimension of existence. The difference lies in our Perspective.

I remember a story told to me many years ago, about a tribe in Africa who mourns the birth of a child, because that child has left the spirit world, only to enter into the harsh reality of life on earth. When a member of the tribe dies, however, they throw a huge party - celebrating that spirit's entry back to the spirit world.

What a different perspective than ours.

Although I don't advocate throwing a massive blowout when a loved one dies or sobbing and mourning during a baby shower, it is interesting to place our beliefs through a cultural filter. If you believe, as I do, that we choose our emotions and we choose to react or not react to situations, then the traditional reactions of mourning and celebrating can take on an entirely different meaning.

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between these two polar opposite cultural traditions. perhaps the answer is to recognize the cycle of life and death as one. Neither is better than the other. Neither is worse, or more painful than the other.

All emotions begin with our perspective. Begin experimenting with shifting your perspective on life, and see what happens.

SUMMERTIME BREATH: PLEASE - use this wisely, folks. The Metabolism Enhancing Breath is not to be used as a quick weight loss scheme. It won't work. Breath is a powerful tool, and if we think we can fool our system into loosing weight by running too hot fall the time, the actual effects we're going for will be negated by the stress on our system.

Metabolism-Enhancing Breath: Plug your left nostril and breath through the right nostril. Stop this breath immediately if you feel dizzy, nauseous, or faint.
--Useful when you are tired and need a boost.

Metabolism-Slowing Breath: Plug your right nostril and breathe through your left.
--Useful when you are running too hot (stressed, nervous, tense) and need to slow down. Also extremely useful if you are fasting or cleansing, and don't want to feel hungry.

Begin with 10 breaths. Slowly increase as needed.

To read a wonderful article on the Metablism, please check out "Master Your Metabolism," originally published in Body & Soul Magazine:

Thanks for your support.

May you all have a Lovely 4th of July!




Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax):
Going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 7:45pm - 9:15pm.

I will be adding back donation yoga classes at our house in July or August. If you are interested, shoot me back an e-mail and let me know if you'd prefer weekdays or weekends, mornings or evenings. We live in the Olympic/Highland area.
Cool Happenings Around Town:

Dancing: June 22nd, The Derby. Hunkamama!
Hunkamama is playing this Friday night, June 22, at The Derby in Los Feliz. Never heard this L.A. band of funky sexy ladies? Check 'em out! The band goes on at 8:30pm and if you decide to stay on, the evening features more music and a Burning Man fashion show.

Cinema: Cinespia. Every Saturday. Hollywood Forever Cemetary
For those of you who love old movies, Cinespia is back to their Summertime Classic Movie screenings at the Hollywood Forever Cemetary. This weekend - The Haunted. For more info:

Music and Art: Flavorpill
Fridays off the 405: Once/month, enjoy live music and evening views of the city, while touring the galleries of the Getty. Casual, spontaneous, fun, and FREE. Curated by Flavorpill. For more info, check out:

Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Power Yoga Flow at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
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