Sunday, August 12, 2007

August Shakti Newsletter: Creating Space


We are so full-on, into the heat of summer. In some ways, it's wonderful to feel the cleansing energy of a good sweat. But sometimes, it can feel a little much, as if there's too much fire in our lives. This feeling usually begins like an inner claustrophobia. If not addressed, it may eventually become an energy drain, leaving us mildly depressed or lacking the perspective to enact change.

Feeling the Heat?
My discomfort began early this summer. I began to feel locked into driving all the time. My work schedule has me teaching (and driving a lot) six days/week. And because I usually end up running errands on the 7th day, I find myself on the road daily, which I've realized is very stressful for me.

What's the big deal, you might ask? Seems silly, doesn't it? A yoga teacher ought to be "above this," right? At least, that's what I thought. I decided to "fight this battle" with yoga and meditation, convinced that I could use positive thinking to shift my perspective.

Yet, no matter what I did to be at peace with this, it just got worse. I started feeling energetically drained and generally just blah,...until one day, it all became very clear. This situation had very little to do with positive thinking. It was all about my attitude towards my situation: I was viewing my driving through lenses of duality-- as a fight, a conflict that I had to win.

How very wrong of me.

My answer lie in remembering that peace can never exist if I have to fight for it. In fighting against what I'm feeling, I am shifting my energy even further out of balance. Life is about creating peace from what I have, now. My mistake was to try and convince myself that I wasn't really feeling down, and that this was all a matter of positive thinking, when the truth was that positive thinking could only take me so far. Beyond that, I had to put my thoughts into actions.

Creating Space:
I realized that fear had been stopping me from action. I was afraid of dropping classes, possibly loosing students. Once I let go of that fear, I realized that by not dropping classes, I am doing something far worse -- eating into my energy levels, which might eventually cause me to lose even more students and classes, in the long-run.

So, I did it. Beginning September, I will have one day per week that is a no-drive, zero emissions day. In doing so, I am creating space to be recharged. And instead of looking at it like loosing classes and students, I am looking at this as a new opportunity for privates which I can teach from my home, while doing something that I deeply believe in: driving less, not more.

As far as which day to drop -- I left the choice up to the amazing owners of Silverlake Yoga, Juliette and Jonathan, for whose understanding and support I am deeply grateful. And I'll still be available to teach day, as long as its biking/walking distance from my home, or if I get a ride there.

If this feeling of constriction or tightness resonates with you, please don't sink into the trap that I encountered. Please remember that life is many possibilities, all in shades of color, rather than in locked tones of black or white. Fighting against ourselves is pointless. Real change begins with shifting our perspective from thoughts into action. And every action begins with creating the space for change.

Om Shanti.


You'll need about 5 - 10 minutes for this one. Please begin by sitting in a comfortable, relaxed position.

Basic Breath:
Begin by drawing your inhale from the base of your spine. Allow the inhale to permeate your hips, back, sacrum, and belly. Let it go.
Allow your next inhale to rise even deeper. Breathe slowly, counting to ten as you feel the breath expand into your side ribs, maybe all the way into your chest, before you exhale and let it go. Allow your next breath to be even deeper. Release your entire breath, exhaling to empty.

Repeat as many times as you like.

Problems breathing deeply?
Let's say you couldn't get your breath all the way through your chest. Maybe it even felt like there was something stuck in there. If so, then close your eyes and picture a large, moving body of water, like a river. Now, imagine a huge boulder in middle of that river. Notice that the boulder doesn't make a difference. The water just goes around it.

Now allow your breath to be like that body of water.


Donation Yoga NEWS

Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax):
Mixed levels yoga going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 7:45pm - 9:15pm'ish.

Slow Flow Donation Yoga at the Maylands, Saturday mornings, beginning in September.
Back by popular demand! Slow Flow classes to begin Saturday mornings in September. Don't get a chance to do much yoga, or are you new to yoga? Would you like more instruction with your poses and alignment? Nursing an injury? Want more personal attention? A slightly slower paced class that doesn't leave you behind? This is the class for you. More info arriving soon.

Cool Happenings Around Town:

HAPPY HOUR FESTIVAL. August 10, 11 in Los Angeles. Film, Music, Art, and Good Times.
Where else can you see inspired short films, hear cutting edge beats, experience live performance art and do it all, amongst a cool bunch of folks? At Happy Hour, of course! The Happy Hour Festival is run by two very talented Directors who love what they do and want to support creative art in this wacky world of ours. Pre-sale tix are only $20. Come out and support.
For more info:

CINESPIA: Every Saturday. Hollywood Forever Cemetary
For those of you who love old movies, Cinespia is back to their Summertime Classic Movie screenings at the Hollywood Forever Cemetary. Sat. Aug. 11: Taxi Driver. Sat. Aug. 18: The Red Shoes. Sat. Aug. 25: Notorious.
For more info:

BURNING MAN FESTIVAL, Labor Day Weekend, Black Rock City, Nevada.
If you've been, you certainly know why you keep coming back. If you've never been and don't mind a little (or a lot) of dust and heat, you'll be rewarded with a lifetime of experience and an amazing array of visual and auditory eye candy. Art, sculpture, performance art, Tesla Coil lightening demonstrations in the middle of the night, music everywhere, and all around wacky fun to be had. If you are going, please be safe. Practice moderation in all things. Hydrate. And enjoy!
Fore more info:

Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
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