Sunday, December 2, 2007

Shedding Light - Holiday Shakti Newsletter

Dear Friends and Yogis,

I hope this finds you all happy, healthy, and well.

The Holiday Season has approached again, lightening fast and almost without warning. Can you hardly believe we're almost to a New Year?

May the rest of 2007 be a time of celebration, full of friends, laughter, and good times.

Thanks for supporting Yoga with Aria.


Shedding Light on our Darkness

Just this week, one of my yoga teachers brought up the idea of enlightenment. Not enlightenment as a "holier than thou" state of mind. No. Absolutely not. When my teacher spoke of enlightenment, he referred to it as something that shines light on our dark side. After all, it's easy to feel enlightened if we're not challenged. If you are a hermit, living alone, in a cave and you never have to deal with hours of freeway traffic, of course you're probably a lot less stressed than the average Angeleno. Does that make you enlightened? Far from it.

Enlightenment is facing our darkness, our inner crap. Enlightenment is what happens when we shine light into a room that hasn't been opened in a long time. The dust has gathered, the cobwebs are thick, and it smells musty inside there. What do we do? Do we shut the door and go, "No way. Not today." Or do we clean that stuff out? That's the process of enlightenment.

This really spoke to me because I often feel that when these dark corners are exposed, my habitual instinct is to either shut down and ignore the situation, or face it with a feeling of dread and guilt. As a yoga teacher and the classic Virgo, I place huge expectations on myself. I have so many personal goals that are so far from being accomplished. So many things inside of me have yet to take form. So many ideas, all hidden away and locked. I feel like I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't get anxiety. I should be able to accomplish all my "to do" lists and goals. I should be able to write a Shakti Newsletter full of some beautiful story or insight. I "should," I "should," I "should." Simple examples, I know, but these are some of my dark corners.

So how do we deal with our darkness? Is yoga or meditation the only path to enlightenment? Absolutely not.

Personally, I don't feel that any one path is required of all. I believe that everyone can benefit from yoga and meditation, but if it doesn't call your name, why force it? We all have something that helps us face those dark corners. The key is recognizing which activities help shine light on our dark corners. Which help us transcend those spaces into inhabitable places? And which activities merely coat those inner rooms with even more dust?

For some people, writing music is far more enlightening than taking a yoga class. For others, it's dancing, surfing, jogging, etc. You get the idea. I believe that any activity, approached with consciousness, can help us shed light on ourselves. And I would caution you to be wary of so-called "enlightened" persons who insist on imposing one belief system on all. When we start to judge what others choose to do, or not do, we must question why we feel so compelled to focus our energy on other people, instead of on ourselves.

It's okay to have bad habits. It's okay to open those dark rooms and immediately shut the door again. It's okay to not deal with our stuff. But some day, at some point, we have to shed light on our darkness if we're ever going to be okay with who we are. Otherwise, we become lost in a cloud of dust, locked away in the recesses of past guilt.

Over this holiday season, I encourage you to make an effort to seek out activities that help you become more aware of your inner space.

In closing, this month, instead of sharing a breath with you, I would like to share a poem:

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture.

Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you
Out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing.
And invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond.

-- Rumi


Cool Happenings Around Town :-)

Create:Fixate -Saturday, Dec. 1st. 7pm - 2am. Downtown Los Angeles.
It's time for another one of L.A.'s hottest underground secrets. Create:Fixate's parties bring together local art and music in chill, relaxed atmosphere. This month, Create:Fixate celebrates six years of art and music with a salon-style, retrospective exhibit. Gallery preview: 4-7pm, $5 suggested donation. Official event: 7pm -2am, $15 Admission. 613 Imperial St., Downtown Los Angeles, CA. For more info:

Harmonie's 3 year anniversary - Friday, December 7th. 7pm - 11pm. Venice Beach, CA.
Voted one of the styliest stores in Los Angeles several years running, Harmonie is your place to find a perfect gift for that very fashionable person in your life. The three year anniversary party features an open bar with delicious seasonal cocktails, as well as music, DJ's, and style. Harmonie. 2800 Abbott Kinney Blvd., Venice, CA.

Mighty Fine Holiday Sale - Saturday, Dec 8th. 8 am to 2 pm. Downtown Los Angeles, CA.
If ya love T-shirts, check out Mighty Fine's Holiday Sale. ALL brands onsale, including Public Library, Topless, Trash N Luxury, Mini Fine, Doe. Mighty Fine is located at: 2010 E. 15th St, LA, CA 90021.

Eco Gift Expo - Dec. 15th, 9am - 8pm. Dec. 16th, 9am - 5pm. Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.
Get all your Holiday gifts in one place, with 150 Eco-Conscious companies to choose from. While shopping for your loved ones, enjoy organic food and drinks, live jazz, performers, and magicians. 10% of all revenue will go to Global Green USA and the Whole Planet Foundation. Tickets available online, at:

Dali, Dali, Dali - ongoing through February at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
For lovers of film and art, even those who've already seen the Dali Museum, in Figueras, Spain, the LACMA exhibit is a must. This exhibit is the first to focus on the relationship between the paintings and films of the worlds' most famous surrealist. LACMA. 5905 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA.



Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays: 8:00pm - 9:30pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

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Please e-mail with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please e-mail with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!


Friday, October 19, 2007

October Shakti Newsletter - Cultivating Beauty

Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope this finds you all happy, healthy, and well.

I wanted to share with you my teacher profile on Brad Keimach. Check it out in this month's issue of LA Yoga magazine.

Also, my Intro to Yoga Basics Alignment Workshops are almost full. If you are interested, please e-mail or call for more information. Aria (310) 403-4438. Detailed info online:

Thanks for supporting Yoga with Aria (!)



Cultivating Beauty

I've been thinking a lot about the power of choice. Sometimes, my inner state of mind is unbalanced and this deafens my will to choose. Other times, it's easy, like being a kid again and playing pretend. It just happens, without much work on my part. Just this week, I was reminded of an old Egyptian story that echoes this sentiment:

There was once a very poor man whose daily meal consisted of bread and rice. This man, though he was poorer than most of his neighbors, had a fine sense of smell and often described, to a tee, the meals that were being prepared in homes around him, naming the exact spices used, and in which proportion. His neighbors, curious, asked him how he knew so much about cooking? “Join me for dinner tonight,” he invited them.

Later that evening, as a few neighbors came around, the man said, "Tonight, we will taste some of the most exotic food in Cairo. Come, let's take a walk." They walked into town, up to a posh new restaurant, where the man guided his neighbors underneath one of the restaurant's windows.

They sat down underneath the window, delicious scents wafting past them. Their stomachs churned with hunger. “Ready?” the man asked? They nodded, excitedly. The man took out a piece of bread, broke it into pieces, and handed out a piece to everyone. He lifted his nose up to the window and said "Close your eyes and take a deep breath." Everyone did as instructed, "and take a bite of bread,” the man said.

The man bit into his piece of bread. With a huge smile plastered on his face, his eyes still closed, breathing in the scents from the restaurant, he commented on how subtle the saffron was, and how rich the sauce tasted. A few of his neighbors stood up and cursed the man, saying that he was laughing at them, but the man answered them calmly, saying that if they chose to see a piece of bread in front of them, then that is all they would ever see.

"Can't you smell," he asked, "how perfectly the eggplants are cooked. The succulents and fruit drip with honey. And the pastries, all filled with meats and exotic spices. Why, we're eating at the best restaurant in Cairo," he said. A few of the neighbors sat back down, but others, unwilling to suspend their reality, left.


What a simple story, full of promise. Either we can cultivate beauty out of the ordinary, or we allow the ordinary crush us into submission. Who cares if the beauty that we create is just pretend, at first? Pretending to see beauty will most certainly lead to seeing more beauty, which leads to seeing even more beauty, and so on.

The key to allowing beauty to thrive is keeping ourselves in balance. Since we are passing through the astrological sign of Libra, which represents Balance, I thought it fitting to revisit one of our balancing breaths. Next time your inner magic feels threatened by imbalance, try this breath:

Supreme Breath

Please find a quiet spot where you can sit undisturbed for 3 - 5 minutes.

Sit comfortably, with your back supported, and your sit bones feeling evenly grounded. Begin to lengthen the back of your neck. Adjust your shoulders over your hips. Take a deep breath, into your tailbone. Let that breath rise through every vertebrae up the spine, and exhale, sending that breath back out the tailbone. Do this a few times, until you feel that your spine feels relaxed and long.

With your right thumb, plug your right nostril and breath in through the left nostril. Breathe in for as long as you want to. When you're done, use your third and fourth fingers to plug your left nostril. Hold the breath for as long as you wish. (If you are pregnant or have high blood pressure, don't hold your breath. Just pause as you shift from left to right.)

When you're ready to exhale, release your thumb, exhaling out your right nostril. Continue, in reverse. Keeping your fingers where they are, inhale through you right nostril. Plug both nostrils and hold. Exhale through your left nostril.

Do this for as many rounds as you like. The idea is not to count the breath, but just to inhale for as long as feels good, hold for as long as feels good, and exhale for as long as feels good.


Pranayama Science: Every hour or so, the body tends to breathe more heavily in and out through one nostril, and then, it switches to the other. This natural cycle balances out the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. If our natural cycle is disrupted by stress, this breath cycle may also become disrupted. Once the breath cycle is balanced, the bodies systems began to fall back into balance.

Yoga NEWS:

Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax): Mixed levels yoga going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 8:00pm - 9:30pm.

Intro to Yoga Workshop Series: Includes Free Yoga Class, Afterwards.

Yoga with Aria continues with her bi-monthly series of 1 hour workshops tailored to break down the most commonly encountered yoga poses: Down Dog, Plank, Chaturunga, Cobra/Updog, Warrior One, Warrior Two, and variations on these poses. This Saturday we will work on Chaturanga to Cobra/Updog to Down Dog.

This is an appropriate class for all levels of yoga – those of you who’ve been practicing yoga for a long time, but may never have received alignment instruction; and those of you new to yoga, who would like some foundational training. It’s also a great class for anyone nursing an injury. In fact, think of it like a small-group private.

The workshops are limited to a maximum of 10 people. Each workshop includes a free 1.5 hour Mixed Level Flow class afterwards, so you can practice what you’ve just learned.

More info online:


Cool Happenings Around Town

LA DECOM - This Saturday, October 13th, downtown Los Angeles.
Experience some Burning Man, back home. Get out your favorite costume and come on out. The festivities begin Saturday afternoon and last deep into the night. for all information.

This 26 hour event benefits Amrit Davaa and World Health, a NPO that provides humanitarian aide, health/wellness education, and healthcare to children and families in need. Featuring Tej Kaur Khalsa, Natasha Rizpoulous, Vanessa Hopkins, Gurumukh, the Golden Bridge Choir, and much more. (323) 936-4172

ARGENTINE TANGO with MURAT and MICHELLE at Shakti's Elements. Saturday, Oct. 27th.
For anyone with a passion for tango, don't miss this opportunity to study with two of the most well respected teachers in the business, visiting L.A. for one day, only. For more info, contact: Coco Baran


Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays: 8:00pm - 9:30pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

The first two Saturdays of Oct and Nov: 9am -10am Intro to Yoga Basics Alignment Workshop, followed by a complimentary Slow Flow Class, from 10:30am - 12:00pm.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

Want ON or OFF this list?

Please e-mail: with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please e-mail: with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

September Shakti Newsletter

Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope this finds you all happy, healthy, and well.

This month is just past its midway and here I am, finally sending this off. My apologies for my tardiness. It’s been a very busy month. In addition to teaching yoga and writing about music, I’m now writing about yoga. Look for my reviews in the month’s issue of LA Yoga and an upcoming article in the October issue.

In class news – my Slow Flow classes have blossomed into a bi-monthly Intro to Yoga Workshop Series. Each Workshop includes a free practice yoga class, afterwards. Series begins in October. More info in my newsletter, below.

Thanks for supporting Yoga with Aria!


Weeds along the Freeway: Cultivating the Impossible

One of the strangest things I’ve noticed in a long time is the proliferation of tall weeds along the freeway divider. The 10 Fwy is chalk full of them. Check them out next time you’re driving. These things are amazing. They grow, right through the concrete, without any external help, like fertilizers or water.

Some reach as tall as four feet high. Doesn’t that just blow your mind,? The fact that a weak little stem of a growing baby plant can actually root down deep enough and push slowly enough that it breaks apart concrete?

This imagery is such a beautiful metaphor for any of our life dreams. Whether you hope to be the next Stanley Kubrick, the next Barbara Boxer,or the next Tiger Woods, manifesting huge life goals can oftentimes feel out of reach.

When I start to feel this way, I know that I have to detach myself from the busyness of my mental chatter. Invariably, in the midst of one of these moments, I’ll notice something as random as weeds growing out of the freeway divider. And realize that I’m seeing the world as it truly is – everything, in a constant state of growth and change.

Miracles grow all around us, one tiny millimeter at a time.

Detachment Breath

Warning: The breath retention practiced here is not appropriate for pregnant women or those with high blood pressure.

Sit comfortably. Adjust your shoulders right over your hips. Firm your low belly, drawing it in and slightly upwards. Lengthen your tailbone down.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath into both lungs. Hold that breath until you feel a shift in mental state and then let it go.

A shift in mental state is any inner emotional or mental change. It can manifest as a sudden panic (“I can’t breathe!”) or severe detachment (“This is boring.”). What you feel isn’t as important as long as you feel something. As soon as you feel your emotions shift, exhale completely, releasing your breath.

Now, plugging your left nostril, breathe in through the right nostril only. Take a deep breath and try to focus the breath just into your right lung. Hold that breath until you feel a shift in mental state, and let it go.

Repeat, for the left lung: Plugging your right nostril, breathe in through the left nostril. Take a deep breath into your left lung. Hold that breath until your mental state shifts, and let it go.

Repeat the cycle as many times as you like.

Finish by taking a long, slow, deep inhale. Mentally count up to ten as you inhale. Without retaining the breath, as soon as you finish your inhale, began to exhale s-l-o-w-l-y, exhaling all the way to ten.

Enjoy detaching.

Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax): Mixed levels yoga going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 8:00pm - 9:30pm.

Intro to Yoga Workshop Series: Includes Free Yoga Class, Afterwards.

Beginning in October, Yoga with Aria presents a bi-monthly series of 1 hour workshops tailored to break down the most commonly encountered yoga poses: Down Dog, Plank, Chaturunga, Cobra/Updog, Warrior One, Warrior Two, and variations on these poses.

This is an appropriate class for all levels of yoga – those of you who’ve been practicing yoga for a long time, but may never have received alignment instruction; and those of you new to yoga, who would like some foundational training. It’s also a great class for anyone nursing an injury. In fact, think of it like a small-group private.

The workshops are limited to a maximum of 10 people. Each workshop includes a free 1.5 hour Mixed Level Flow class afterwards, so you can practice what you’ve just learned.


Cool Happenings Around Town

WIRED NEXT FEST at the CONVENTION CENTER – currently running through Sunday, September 16, 2007.
Wired’s Next Fest is the place to be for anyone who loves technology, life, and mind-boggling innovations.

ELEVATE FILM FESTIVAL - Saturday September 15, 2007
Filmmakers are given a challenge: make a film with a socially redeeming message in less than 48 hours. Conscious filmmaking at its best. Come out and support!

GLOBAL MALA PROJECT with DJ CHEB I SABBAH – Saturday, September 22, 2007.
The Global Mala project encompasses elements of life I consider crucial to our well-being: a respect for the future, global sustainability, the unification of consciousness in action, yoga and dance. Its intention is to unite 108,000 people all over the world on a singular day of meditation for world peace and positive change. The L.A. Festival, at the solar powered Convention Center, is scheduled to run 14 hours. Whatever you're into, you'll find it here. There's something for everyone: workshops, speakers, kundalini yoga, vinyasa flow, kirtan, chanting, and a yoga trance dance at night with DJ Cheb i Sabbah and live drummers. Please visit: for more information.

After you rock your groove at the Global Mala Project, come check out DJ Jason Bentley at the Music Center. Free (!)

Grab your picnic basket and a bottle of wine, this one’s going to be amazing.


Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays: 8:00pm - 9:30pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

Want ON or OFF this list?

Please e-mail with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please e-mail with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Two Questions & A Factoid

Hello Everyone,

I hope that August is treating you well. Almost the end of the month. It's back to school for some of us, and for others, it's back to our own inner dens of creativity and dreams.

My brother sent me these questions below. In all honesty, I must disclose that I deleted some of the inherent dialogue because it was tinged with obvious religious overtones-- something I try to avoid in this blog. But, I kept the questions and answers the same.

If you're prone for a little bit o' interesting procrastination, please read on:


Question 1:

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

Question 2:

It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for?

Candidate A:
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist
He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B:
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in
college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C:
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an
occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be our choice?

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill .
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question: The woman didn't have an abortion and her child was Beethoven.

And, Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more
than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

Can you guess which organization this is?

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

August Shakti Newsletter: Creating Space


We are so full-on, into the heat of summer. In some ways, it's wonderful to feel the cleansing energy of a good sweat. But sometimes, it can feel a little much, as if there's too much fire in our lives. This feeling usually begins like an inner claustrophobia. If not addressed, it may eventually become an energy drain, leaving us mildly depressed or lacking the perspective to enact change.

Feeling the Heat?
My discomfort began early this summer. I began to feel locked into driving all the time. My work schedule has me teaching (and driving a lot) six days/week. And because I usually end up running errands on the 7th day, I find myself on the road daily, which I've realized is very stressful for me.

What's the big deal, you might ask? Seems silly, doesn't it? A yoga teacher ought to be "above this," right? At least, that's what I thought. I decided to "fight this battle" with yoga and meditation, convinced that I could use positive thinking to shift my perspective.

Yet, no matter what I did to be at peace with this, it just got worse. I started feeling energetically drained and generally just blah,...until one day, it all became very clear. This situation had very little to do with positive thinking. It was all about my attitude towards my situation: I was viewing my driving through lenses of duality-- as a fight, a conflict that I had to win.

How very wrong of me.

My answer lie in remembering that peace can never exist if I have to fight for it. In fighting against what I'm feeling, I am shifting my energy even further out of balance. Life is about creating peace from what I have, now. My mistake was to try and convince myself that I wasn't really feeling down, and that this was all a matter of positive thinking, when the truth was that positive thinking could only take me so far. Beyond that, I had to put my thoughts into actions.

Creating Space:
I realized that fear had been stopping me from action. I was afraid of dropping classes, possibly loosing students. Once I let go of that fear, I realized that by not dropping classes, I am doing something far worse -- eating into my energy levels, which might eventually cause me to lose even more students and classes, in the long-run.

So, I did it. Beginning September, I will have one day per week that is a no-drive, zero emissions day. In doing so, I am creating space to be recharged. And instead of looking at it like loosing classes and students, I am looking at this as a new opportunity for privates which I can teach from my home, while doing something that I deeply believe in: driving less, not more.

As far as which day to drop -- I left the choice up to the amazing owners of Silverlake Yoga, Juliette and Jonathan, for whose understanding and support I am deeply grateful. And I'll still be available to teach day, as long as its biking/walking distance from my home, or if I get a ride there.

If this feeling of constriction or tightness resonates with you, please don't sink into the trap that I encountered. Please remember that life is many possibilities, all in shades of color, rather than in locked tones of black or white. Fighting against ourselves is pointless. Real change begins with shifting our perspective from thoughts into action. And every action begins with creating the space for change.

Om Shanti.


You'll need about 5 - 10 minutes for this one. Please begin by sitting in a comfortable, relaxed position.

Basic Breath:
Begin by drawing your inhale from the base of your spine. Allow the inhale to permeate your hips, back, sacrum, and belly. Let it go.
Allow your next inhale to rise even deeper. Breathe slowly, counting to ten as you feel the breath expand into your side ribs, maybe all the way into your chest, before you exhale and let it go. Allow your next breath to be even deeper. Release your entire breath, exhaling to empty.

Repeat as many times as you like.

Problems breathing deeply?
Let's say you couldn't get your breath all the way through your chest. Maybe it even felt like there was something stuck in there. If so, then close your eyes and picture a large, moving body of water, like a river. Now, imagine a huge boulder in middle of that river. Notice that the boulder doesn't make a difference. The water just goes around it.

Now allow your breath to be like that body of water.


Donation Yoga NEWS

Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax):
Mixed levels yoga going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 7:45pm - 9:15pm'ish.

Slow Flow Donation Yoga at the Maylands, Saturday mornings, beginning in September.
Back by popular demand! Slow Flow classes to begin Saturday mornings in September. Don't get a chance to do much yoga, or are you new to yoga? Would you like more instruction with your poses and alignment? Nursing an injury? Want more personal attention? A slightly slower paced class that doesn't leave you behind? This is the class for you. More info arriving soon.

Cool Happenings Around Town:

HAPPY HOUR FESTIVAL. August 10, 11 in Los Angeles. Film, Music, Art, and Good Times.
Where else can you see inspired short films, hear cutting edge beats, experience live performance art and do it all, amongst a cool bunch of folks? At Happy Hour, of course! The Happy Hour Festival is run by two very talented Directors who love what they do and want to support creative art in this wacky world of ours. Pre-sale tix are only $20. Come out and support.
For more info:

CINESPIA: Every Saturday. Hollywood Forever Cemetary
For those of you who love old movies, Cinespia is back to their Summertime Classic Movie screenings at the Hollywood Forever Cemetary. Sat. Aug. 11: Taxi Driver. Sat. Aug. 18: The Red Shoes. Sat. Aug. 25: Notorious.
For more info:

BURNING MAN FESTIVAL, Labor Day Weekend, Black Rock City, Nevada.
If you've been, you certainly know why you keep coming back. If you've never been and don't mind a little (or a lot) of dust and heat, you'll be rewarded with a lifetime of experience and an amazing array of visual and auditory eye candy. Art, sculpture, performance art, Tesla Coil lightening demonstrations in the middle of the night, music everywhere, and all around wacky fun to be had. If you are going, please be safe. Practice moderation in all things. Hydrate. And enjoy!
Fore more info:

Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
Want ON or OFF this list?

Please reply with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please reply with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Abraham-Hicks on Vibrational Patterns of Thought

Hi Everyone,

Today's a day for posting, it seems. A friend just sent this over. If you are familiar with Abraham-Hicks' teachings, the movie The Secret, or The Law of Attraction, this will be a nice review for you. If you are new to this kind of thinking, please read with an open mind. Whatever resonates (feels true) to you, keep and put into practice. What doesn't resonate with you, please let go, without judgement.


You would never be discouraged if you knew, as we do, that anything you want must be, and that all you have to do is line up with it. You would never be discouraged if you knew, as we do, that when contrast causes you to clarify a desire, that, in the moment of that clarification, even if you don’t speak words about it, Source immediately says yes to that desire and becomes one with that desire. So, there is no possibility whatsoever anywhere in this Universe that your desire is not being answered in the moment that you give birth to it. But if you don’t know that, if you’re still looking at the gap between your realization that you want it and your realization of the manifestation of it, then, because you have forgotten that it’s going to happen for sure, we can see how you might get discouraged

Feel the difference between something that you want that you know you can achieve, and how exhilarating that is, and something that you want that you feel powerless to achieve. And what we’re wanting you to understand, is: You need not ever again feel powerless about the achieving of anything— because when you ask, it is given, every single time.

There is no such thing as something that is incurable; there is no such thing as something that is impossible. There’s only vibrational discord with the wellness; that’s what illness is. There’s only vibrational discord with abundance; that’s what poverty is. There’s only vibrational discord with clarity; that’s what confusion is.

You have Guidance within you that will help you to quantify your journeys. And so, you can tell (if you care about how you feel) whether you’re marching, marching, marching towards something that you’re going to like when you gets there. People will say, “Abraham, it came out of the blue!” And we say, hardly. You’ve been beating that drum for a long, long time. And you say, “No, I haven’t. I haven’t been thinking about that. I didn’t think about the specifics of this terrible thing that happened to me.” And we say: You thought about enough things that were a vibrational equivalent to this powerlessness that you are feeling (or to this rage that you are feeling) that you activated a vibration that kept you from going in the direction of what you want, and, in fact, took you directly to what you do not want.

When you are feeling ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, ornery, you can’t end up in Happyville. It’s on a different path, you see. When you are frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, frustrated, everywhere you go, things that are frustrating in nature are there waiting for you. They are waiting for you with open arms. “You planned us,” they say. “You prepared us. You called us from the ethers.” And the Universe and Law of Attraction goes to great trouble (it’s really no trouble at all; it’s just a natural consequence of the Laws of the Universe). Law of Attraction (that which is like unto itself is drawn) will meet you around every corner with the essence of your vibrational nature. It’s everywhere you go. That’s what we mean when we say: you take yourself with you.

What we want you to come to understand is that, here you are, wherever you are, and out there somewhere, is something you really want, and out there somewhere else, is something you really don’t want. In other words, it’s like your future is a big long stick with things you really want on one end, and things you really don’t want on the other end. And here you are, in every moment of every day, making a decision about which direction you’re going. So, it’s like there are all of these potential forks in the trail.

Have you ever taken an airline trip or a car trip, or any trip, even a hiking trip, where you have made a direct line from where you are to where you want to be? Or, are your trips always ups and downs and around things? In other words, aren’t you just always correcting your course, generally going in the direction? Jerry and Esther are amazed sometimes when they look at a map, and they realize that the road that they were on that says I-10 East doesn’t go east a good deal of the time. It’s really interesting how often it is going north, or even south in its general direction of east.

There are many twists and turns in your road, but you must have your Guidance System activated consciously so that you can tell, when you twist and turn, how you’re wanting to correct yourself—because, of course, things are going to happen—of course. Something’s going to sneak up on you that you didn’t see coming because you weren’t aware that it was active in your vibration. Sometimes, stuff got activated in your vibration when you were really little, when you were living with somebody else whose activation was very strong, and you didn’t even know it got activated until you got old enough that you started watching the manifestational response.

It’s a wonderful thing, that what you think and how you feel is always a vibrational match. It’s a wonderful thing that what you think and how you feel—and what manifests—is always a vibrational match. But if you wait to correct your course until something is already manifested, it’s harder to correct your course. We call that post-manifestational awareness.

It’s ever so much more effective if you are correcting your course, based upon the way you feel, and that you stop in the middle of an ornery moment and you say to yourself, “I’m marching, marching, marching toward something that I’m not going to like when it gets there. Can I find a slightly better approach?”

Now, this is the thing that we really want you to hear: We do not expect you, because no one has ever done it, to go from an ornery vibration directly to bliss—it doesn’t happen. We don’t expect you to immediately correct your course. We don’t expect you to teleport yourself to where you want to be. This is a physical time/space reality where you have this magnificent buffer of time. So, you have plenty of time to get yourself lined up. And with every effort of realignment that you attempt, you will find a slight enough improvement that you will begin to see manifestations that reflect your effort. Even though you’re not all the way to where you want to be, you will see manifestation that reflects your effort. (We’re not kidding you one bit about that.)

So, you might see yourself as standing always at a fork in the road because there is always the option of finding a way that feels better. In other words, wouldn’t it be nice if? Or, making the best of it. Or, there is also the option of, wouldn’t it be awful? Or, making the worst of it. In other words, you get to choose.

We see a lot of you (lovely Beings that you are) making the worst of it over and over again. And do you know why you do that? It’s for very well-meaning reasons. You make the worst of it because, at every level of your Being, you understand that you are supposed to feel good and that things are supposed to go well for you. And when they don’t, you’re, sort of, freaking out on even very deep levels… there’s something that makes you want to shout, “Somebody should call somebody about this! Somebody should call somebody, and somebody should fix something, so that my life goes better,” because you were born with that promise in place. You were born knowing that you are the center of the Universe. You were born knowing that the resources of All-That-Is would back you up. So when something’s going freakishly wrong, we understand your consternation. We understand how frustrating it must be, or how disempowering it must feel. But we want to say to you: All you have to do, is make the best effort you can right now, to fork a little bit in the direction of what you want—that’s all the work is.

Every moment of every day, you have these forks where you can go closer toward something that you want, or further from something that you want.

You want to demand the world give you what you want. And we say, the world cannot give you what you are demanding. The world is giving you what you’re deserving. The world cannot give you what you’re demanding; the world is giving you what you’re offering vibrationally, and nobody can change what you’re offering vibrationally—but you… We think the reason that you may not be very good at it, yet, is because you want to change too much, too fast. You want the manifestation to change, right now. And we want you to just take this opportunity to mold your vibration. Because as you take this opportunity to mold your vibration, and this one, and this one, and this one, and this one, not only do you feel better along the way, not only do you have more friendly clerks across the counter, not only do you uplift rather than make people feel terrible, you feel better along your way. Your journey is brighter and brighter. And ah, the manifestations that reach out to you, the people that you rendezvous with, they are equivalent to the vibrational forks that you take in the road.

You are the creator of your own reality because you are the chooser of the thought right now.

Don’t be hard on yourself. If you’re standing in a place where you’ve been chopped off at the knees, where you’ve been hit in the gut, where you’re feeling awful, don’t feel bad. Don’t beat up on yourself for not being able to choose the best thought you’ve ever thought. Just choose the best thought you can find from where you are. In other words, just fork off gently in the direction of what is important to you. And before you know it, your path will get brighter and sweeter, and brighter and sweeter. And the people who watch you will say, “You know, you amaze me. Things go well everywhere you go. Why is that so?” And you say, “I’ve come to expect it.” And many of them will say, “Agh.” They don’t want to hear how you expect things to go well. They’ll say, “Oh, that’s because you’re rich. Oh, that’s because you have an entourage that travels with you.” We promise you, no entourage can buck your current. There is no one in the world who can prepare your path for you, you see. You are all as rich as everyone else because you all have the resources of the Universe at your fingertips. And when you take the time, when you care enough to take the time to find the better-feeling thought, now, you’re moving toward something that will please you.

Every step you take, you are marching toward a manifestation. And if you feel good while you’re stepping—you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to delight you when they get there. And if you are ornery, if you’re unhappy, if you are frustrated, if you are blameful, if you are angry, if you are hateful, if you are revengeful, if you are fearful, if you are depressed—you are marching, marching, marching toward things that are going to augment that feeling of depression, of anger, of frustration. In other words, the way you feel must net you more stuff that feels like the way you feel.

The better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets, the worse it gets. You cannot defy the Laws of the Universe—please give it up! Stop trying to use your words and your action for the stuff that attitude and mood, and vibration are to do. In other words, mold yourself into place. Do the vibrational work before you do the action work, and the action work will be a fraction of what it has been before.

If you take the time to do the vibrational work first, you won’t have to offer nearly as much action. You’ll begin to discover that the things that are important for you just unfold for you because the Universe is at your fingertips. The fairies of the Universe are there for you. You are the center of an enormous entourage that means to please you.

And when you, through your magnificent deciphering of contrast, give birth to a rocket of desire, that rocket of desire is duly noted, understood, and absolutely agreed with by all of the resources of the Universe. And now all you’ve got to do, is to get in the vibrational compliance with what you are asking for. (Isn’t that nice to know?)

There are three steps to the Creative Process: Step One, you don’t have to worry about; contrast makes you take that step. Contrast causes you to desire or focus, or prefer. Step Two, not your work, anyway. Source and all of the resources of Source answer your request. That’s that vibrational alignment. That’s that one point of vibrational relativity that happens instantaneously.

So, your only work is Step Three. And Step Three is: Can I find a thought right now that feels a little better than the thought I’ve been thinking? That’s all Step Three is. Finding a thought that causes me to feel a vibration (or a feeling) of relief. So, there is allowing of what I want, or disallowing of what I want. There is allowing of what I want, or resisting what I want. You are either practicing the art of allowing, or the art of resisting. When you’re forking off toward things you want, you’re practicing the art of allowing. When you’re forking off to things you don’t want, you’re practicing the art of resistance. And every day, and every moment of your life experience is a perfect reflection of how you’ve been forking. (Good.)

Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshop
G-7-30-05 — San Francisco, CA

"Only a Child"

I received this from a friend. It was so deeply moving, I had to post it. It's 6 minutes long, and absolutely worth your time. Thanks.

June-July Shakti: Cycles, Perspective, and Metabolism


Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

Wow, has this last month just flown by. Seems like everything is going on high-speed for me. Hopefully, your lives have been a little slower.

Tomorrow (Thurs) is the Northern Solstice, better known as the Summer Solstice. The Earth, as we might remember from science classes, is tilted on its axis, leaning towards and away from the Sun throughout its yearly orbit. Tomorrow, the Sun lies directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere, creating the longest day of the year on Earth.

Please enjoy the day tomorrow by taking time to be outdoors.

Cycles of DEATH and LIFE:
Jason and I have had two deaths within our family and circle of friends over the last few weeks.

In facing death, it is important to remember that death is a cycle of life. Death can be viewed as a loss, or as a celebration of life, a passage into the next dimension of existence. The difference lies in our Perspective.

I remember a story told to me many years ago, about a tribe in Africa who mourns the birth of a child, because that child has left the spirit world, only to enter into the harsh reality of life on earth. When a member of the tribe dies, however, they throw a huge party - celebrating that spirit's entry back to the spirit world.

What a different perspective than ours.

Although I don't advocate throwing a massive blowout when a loved one dies or sobbing and mourning during a baby shower, it is interesting to place our beliefs through a cultural filter. If you believe, as I do, that we choose our emotions and we choose to react or not react to situations, then the traditional reactions of mourning and celebrating can take on an entirely different meaning.

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in between these two polar opposite cultural traditions. perhaps the answer is to recognize the cycle of life and death as one. Neither is better than the other. Neither is worse, or more painful than the other.

All emotions begin with our perspective. Begin experimenting with shifting your perspective on life, and see what happens.

SUMMERTIME BREATH: PLEASE - use this wisely, folks. The Metabolism Enhancing Breath is not to be used as a quick weight loss scheme. It won't work. Breath is a powerful tool, and if we think we can fool our system into loosing weight by running too hot fall the time, the actual effects we're going for will be negated by the stress on our system.

Metabolism-Enhancing Breath: Plug your left nostril and breath through the right nostril. Stop this breath immediately if you feel dizzy, nauseous, or faint.
--Useful when you are tired and need a boost.

Metabolism-Slowing Breath: Plug your right nostril and breathe through your left.
--Useful when you are running too hot (stressed, nervous, tense) and need to slow down. Also extremely useful if you are fasting or cleansing, and don't want to feel hungry.

Begin with 10 breaths. Slowly increase as needed.

To read a wonderful article on the Metablism, please check out "Master Your Metabolism," originally published in Body & Soul Magazine:

Thanks for your support.

May you all have a Lovely 4th of July!




Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax):
Going on strong at the Wilenskys, every Wed. from 7:45pm - 9:15pm.

I will be adding back donation yoga classes at our house in July or August. If you are interested, shoot me back an e-mail and let me know if you'd prefer weekdays or weekends, mornings or evenings. We live in the Olympic/Highland area.
Cool Happenings Around Town:

Dancing: June 22nd, The Derby. Hunkamama!
Hunkamama is playing this Friday night, June 22, at The Derby in Los Feliz. Never heard this L.A. band of funky sexy ladies? Check 'em out! The band goes on at 8:30pm and if you decide to stay on, the evening features more music and a Burning Man fashion show.

Cinema: Cinespia. Every Saturday. Hollywood Forever Cemetary
For those of you who love old movies, Cinespia is back to their Summertime Classic Movie screenings at the Hollywood Forever Cemetary. This weekend - The Haunted. For more info:

Music and Art: Flavorpill
Fridays off the 405: Once/month, enjoy live music and evening views of the city, while touring the galleries of the Getty. Casual, spontaneous, fun, and FREE. Curated by Flavorpill. For more info, check out:

Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 Vinyasa Flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Power Yoga Flow at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga at the Wilenskys. Pico/Fairfax area.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
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Thank you!

Friday, June 8, 2007


... to the new look of the news and musings blog!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May Shakti Newsletter

May Shakti Newsletter - Silence is Golden

Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope you are gathering lots of happiness from this lovely energy of springtime.

I have just a simple wish for this month: may we all experience the beauty of silence. May we let our minds slow down, our breath calm, and our energy expand. A simple "time out" can be incredibly healing.

relaxed, belly breath.

if you don't have a yard easily accessible, you can do this in your apartment. open up all your windows and let the sun shine down directly on you. or, better yet, get to a park or the beach. lay down on your back. bend your knees and take the feet slightly wider than the hips, so that the knees gently slope in towards each other. let your belly grow soft. let your shoulders soften, and your neck relax.

close your eyes and let your belly rise as you inhale for a count of seven. hold that breath for just a split second, and exhale everything out. now, relax your breath by letting your belly rise and fall with each inhale/exhale. don't force the breath or hold it in. just let your breath find a comfortable, natural rhythm. stay relaxed for 10 minutes.

p.s. - if you absolutely can't go anywhere without your cell phone and must have it nearby at all times, shut the ringer to silent and set your alarm for 10 minutes. not only will you be able to relax without being disturbed, if you do fall asleep, you'll only be "away" for 10 minutes.




Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax):
My donation yoga class on Wed nights is suspended for the month of May (due to space/time conflicts.) We return in June. Stay updated on my website.
Cool Happenings Around Town: The wonderful folks at Elevate are dedicated to promoting awareness through film and music. Support their festival by having fun, dancing to funky beats with the amazing DJ Marques Wyatt.

ELEVATE Film Festival Fundraiser: May 30th, 8pm - midnight.
DJ-Marques Wyatt
Acoustic Performers
Film Screenings
Silent Auction & Free Giveaways
$20 cover

All proceeds go to the Elevate Foundation.
Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays: 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga is suspended for May. Starts back up in June.

Thursdays 3:45pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm All-level Vinyasa Flow at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
Want ON or OFF this list?

Please e-mail: with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please reply with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Legend has it that before battle, soldiers would have to scale the walls and climb up to this point to pay homage to the King's sword. (Angkor Wat, Cambodia)

April Shakti Newsletter

Hello (!) It's lovely to be back. Hope you all are doing super well (!)

April Shakti Newsletter

Welcome to Spring.

A beautiful time ripe for nurturing dreams, fresh hopes, and new ideas.

One of my dreams was to travel through Southeast Asia, and to hold a Yoga Workshop abroad. This dream just came true for me. Just last week, my husband, Jason, and I, returned from traveling through Southeast Asia and Australia.

We began the trip with eight days in Vietnam. I taught four Prana Vinyasa Flow workshops, at Saigon Yoga. Afterwards, we traveled to Thailand, where I taught a Yoga Trance Dance in Bangkok's Lumpini Park. The remainder of our trip was filled with visiting temples, experiencing ancient traditions, and experiencing beautiful cultures.

In realizing a life dream, I feel both grateful and empowered. And this is the feeling that I want to share with you.

It's easy to let our dreams disappear amongst the daily necessities of life. But dreams are crucial to our self-realization. As happy and fulfilled human beings, we must dream. And we must allow ourselves the space in order to nurture those dreams.

On the flipside of dreams, lives the natural force of resistance. However painful resistance may be, it is crucial to manifestation.

In order to grow, a seed must push through layers of resistance in the form of sand, dust, rock, and packed dirt. And just as that seed, which breaks through the soil becomes strong, so do our dreams.

In this time of fresh beginnings be conscious of your thought patterns.

And allow yourself to dream.

If you find yourself drawn more towards resistance than to your dream, try this little breath exercise:

Dreams vs. Resistance Breath
1. Inhale normally, and imagine that this inhale represents your dreams. Say to yourself, "I inhale my dreams."
Now exhale all the air out of your lungs, exhaling your resistance. Say to yourself, "I exhale my resistance."

2. Inhale deeper, now, inhaling your dreams. Hold the breath for a count of 5.
Exhale all the air out of your lungs, exhaling your resistance.

3. Inhale even deeper, now. In fact, inhale the deepest breath you've taken today. As you inhale your dreams, hold your breath for a count of 10.

Exhale all the air out of your lungs. Exhale out all of your resistance.

Repeat up to 3x.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om.


Yoga NEWS:
Just got back in, last week, from Southeast Asia and Australia. Really loved it. I'll soon have pictures up from my workshop, online.
Yoga Class Changes:
Everything moves in cycles, and within those cycles come opportunities for fresh starts, new beginnings, and rebirths. Moving in the spirit of cycles, I will be dropping and adding a few classes. More info next month.

Donation Yoga Wed (Pico/Fairfax): Wed. night donation yoga resumes next week, April 25th. New class time: 7:45pm.
This class takes place at a private home in the Pico/Fairfax area. If you are interested in attending, please e-mail me for the address and directions.

To subscribe to my donation yoga list. You will receive e-mails once/week to confirm class.
Cool Happenings Around Town:
So many. Some of the biggest events around town will focus on Earth Day.

Topanga's Earth Day celebration, this weekend, Sat. April 21st and Sun. April 22nd.
For more info:

Earth Day Jam at the LA Memorial Coliseum, next weekend. Sat April 28th and Sun April 29th. To benefit Trees for the Future, the Sierra Club, the Ocean Conservancy, Million Trees LA, and more.
For more info:

Mondays 7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays 7:45pm - 9:15pm Donation Yoga - Mixed Level Flow.

Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm Integral Yoga (all levels flow) at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:
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Please reply with "Subscribe" to be added to this list.

Please reply with "Unsubscribe" to be removed from the list.

Thank you!

Monday, February 12, 2007

February Shakti Newsletter


Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope you are all doing very well.

Lots of changes in the air this month - feels like everything is speeding up, running off, and out of our control. You can gradually shift this feeling of disconnection from the world, by opening one of your primary energetic pathways - the shoulders. As the shoulders open, the body energy flows freer. The feeling of constriction fades.

Please also understand that on a somatic level, most stiffness in the shoulders is related to emotional stressors that are not originally ours, but rather, other people's problems and situations. Energetically, we carry other people's stuff: just like the phrase, "shouldering other people's responsibilities."

Reconnect with your energy with this simple technique:

Shoulder Stretch and See-Saw Breath
From a seated position: Align your shoulders over your hips. Knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Inhale. Lift your arms up, interlace your fingers. Exhale as you turn your palms out, towards the sky.

Begin See Saw Breath:
Inhale 1/2 - 2/3 of your maximum breath capacity. Hold the breath. Send the breath all the way into your shoulders and let your low belly suck in while you do this. Hold it in the shoulders for a count of 2. Still holding your breath, send the breath down into your belly. Let the belly stick out, like a Buddha belly. Hold it there for a count of 2.

Send it back to the shoulders, and then back to the belly. Switch off, back and forth, as many times as you want to before exhaling.

Inhale again, and repeat as many times as you like.


Yoga Workshops: I am so excited about this (!)

Check out my Saigon Yoga workshops:

Yoga NEWS:
I am heading out to Southeast Asia soon. We leave the last day of February, and get back on April 10th. I will be teaching four Prana Vinyasa Flow workshops in Vietnam, and a one-day yoga trance dance class in Bangkok. We'll also be traveling through Cambodia, Bali, Australia, and Hawaii.

Next week, I begin assisting Shiva Rea during the morning sessions of her advanced teacher training. I am so excited about this amazing opportunity to work with one of the most highly respected yoga teachers in our community. (yey!)
Yoga Class Changes:
I couldn't find a sub for my Thurs night Silverlake class, so am suspending Silverlake donation yoga until I come back from our trip. For those of you more central or westside: I will probably have a sub for my Wed night Pico/Fairfax area donation yoga class.

For more info, subscribe to my donation yoga list. Comes out once/week to confirm class:
Cool Happenings Around Town:
There are far too many quality events this month to really give them all justice.

If you are a dancer, I just heard that Nitin Sawney is playing at the Jazz Bakery tomorrow night. U.N.K.L.E. is playing at Zanza Bar, as I type. Create:Fixate is tomorrow night at 1530 Ivar. Marques Wyatt's b-day is at Deep on Sunday night, with Miguel Migs and Mark Farina. And, the last Saturday of the month- Yoga Trance Dance at Exhale Center for Sacred Movement, in Venice. (!)

So much to do (!) See if you can approach your fun time with the same balance that you approach your yoga. Save your energy not by becoming a hermit, but by choosing activities that feed you.

Don't live in a box. Breathe d-e-e-p as much as you can.

And when you feel moved by a funky beat, don't hesitate. Dancing is pure goodness for the body and the mind.

Mondays 9:00am - 10:30am Level 1 at Yoga House, Toluca Lake
3:00pm - 4:15pm Mixed Level Flow at San Miguel Elementary School, South Gate
7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm Mixed Level Flow at Wilenskys (Donation class, by invite only. e-mail me for address and info)

Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm Integral Yoga (all levels flow) at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

Donation classes are ongoing Wednesday evenings, in the Pico/Fairfax area, from 7:30m - 9:00pm. Because Wed. evenings are at a private home, please e-mail me if you are interested in attending.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January Shakti Newsletter

...posting this a bit late into the month, I know,...but so it goes, sometimes. hope this finds you all happy and well.

Dear Friends and Yoga Family,

I hope you all had a fantastic New Year (!)

I love the New Year. It' s my absolute favorite holiday. It feels like the entire world takes a collective in-breath, and then exhales out all of its old stuff, at midnight. Poof! All gone, in an instant. What a great feeling to be around!

The hard part, of course, is holding onto this feeling. Right around this time, I usually begin to feel a sense of, "Oh, no, it's all speeding up, again." Whenever I start to feel this way, however, I find myself doing a very simple, four part breath. You can do it absolutely anywhere - in your car, parked at a light, or just before a potentially stressful phone call or meeting:

Four Part Breath:
1. Inhale for a count of 5.
2. Hold the breath for a count of 5.
3. Exhale for a count of 5.
4. Hold emptiness (no breath) for a count of 5.


Begin with 2 rounds. Increase to as many rounds as you like. Adjust the number of counts up or down, to your level of comfort.

1. Lowers resting heart rate.
2. Increases lung capacity (even if you're a smoker, it will still help!)
3. Reduces the levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is known as the body's "stress hormone."

The end result is - all of the sudden, life slows down for a split second. Your day gets a little freer and a tad longer.

Enjoy (!)


Yoga Workshops:
I am teaching a corporate workshop, next week, on stress management, breathwork, meditation, and simple yoga you can do anywhere (at your desk, on an airplane, in your hotel room.)

I'm also preparing for a several day workshop in Vietnam, during first week of March. If you're planning on being in Vietnam around the same time - come check me out at Saigon Yoga. More info coming in next month's Shakti Newsletter!

Yoga Class Changes:
I've added a new class - at Yoga House, Toluca Lake. Mondays, Level 1, from 9am - 10:30am.

And, my Core Yoga class at Silverlake Yoga is now starting at 3:45pm on Thursdays and going a full hour and a half, to 5:15pm.

Cool Yoga Happenings Around Town:

Brand New Studio is opening up in Santa Monica - TruYoga ( Huge Opening Party this Friday, to celebrate, featuring a free class with Shiva Rea from 5:30pm - 6:30pm,a musical performance and more. Better yet - they are offering free yoga next week! And even better, yet - free valet parking. If you're a Westsider, I encourage you to check 'em out.

Truyoga is located at: 2425 Colorado Ave. Enter at 2501 Colorado and park at the valet station. They're in the same business center as Yahoo!, right near the Water Gardens. Off of Colorado, between 20th and 26th

p.s.- they are transitioning names, so you might still see "Tryoga" on the website.

Mondays 9:00am - 10:30am Level 1 at Yoga House, Toluca Lake
3:00pm - 4:15pm Mixed Level Flow at San Miguel Elementary School, South Gate
7:15pm - 8:45pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga

Wednesdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Level 2/3 flow at Silverlake Yoga
Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunchtime Yoga at Hollywood Production Center, Glendale CA
Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm Mixed Level Flow at Wilenskys (Donation class, by invite only. e-mail me for address and info)

Thursdays 4:00pm - 5:15pm Core Yoga at Silverlake Yoga
Thursdays 8:00pm - 9:30pm Mixed Level Flow at Studio A Dance, in Silverlake - Donation Class (!)

Saturdays 5:00pm - 6:30pm Integral Yoga (all levels flow) at Bodies in Motion, West L.A.

For an updated daily schedule of where I am teaching and subbing every week:

Donation classes are ongoing Wednesday evenings, in the Pico/Fairfax area, from 7:30m - 9:00pm. Because Wed. evenings are at a private home, please e-mail me if you are interested in attending.

Donation Yoga classes Thursday evenings, in Silverlake, from 8pm-9:30pm.
Google Maps Link:,-95.677068&sspn=41.496446,62.402344&q=2306+HYperion+Blvd.,+Silverlake,+CA&ie=UTF8&dtab=3&cid=37062500,-95677068,1991591660551348692&li=lmd&z=14&t=m