If energy were really that simple, on a global scale, we certainly wouldn't feel the need to go to war to secure our energy portals, either. What if energy really were that simple, though? Interesting thought. But an entirely different conversation.
Please, shrug that off for a moment, and take a step back and within.
Take a deep breath. Maybe even close your eyes. Begin to see your life. Begin to notice your energy level right now. Now go back and feel your energy level from yesterday. Last week. Last month. What about last year, or even many years ago? Begin to remember when you had the most energy in your life and when you had the least. Take a step back and begin to critically examine, what is energy to you?
An easy example of Energy is how it feels to be around little kids. They are chalk full of energy. Enough to make most of us wish we had a fraction of their energy. For the most part, most adults are on the opposite end of the energy spectrum and seem to operate at a constant state of energy deficiency. We see it in the manner in which we caffeinate ourselves up, seek out energy altering activities, energy-boosting drugs (be they perscription or illegal), and subjugate ourselves to jobs which drain us of our energy, so that we have to keep artificially boosting our energy all over again. The cycle continues until, at some point, we crash. And then the next day, we wake up (barely), load up on more caffeine, and start the cycle all over again.
For the record - I'm not anti caffeine at all. My personal belief is one of moderation with all things, which is why yoga is so helpful for me.
Yoga is a great balancer of energy. It also helps us become more aware of how we expend and regulate our energy. In the process of becoming aware, we create internal tools to moniter that energy.
So my question to you, then becomes: how do you spend your energy?
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, begin to notice how you
And then, begin to ask yourself before you go into that situation - is this feeding me? Or draining me?
The things that are draining you are most likely toxic to your energy level because they are toxic to your body and mind's way of functioning. That doesn't mean that you have to drop everything toxic and flee to some remote mountaintop to escape it all. But, it does mean that you ought to watch out for toxic activities. And when you are around toxic people or situations, make sure to replenish your energy in positive ways afterwards.
Just a thought,...
enjoy your day (!)
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